ChartSquad is a Personal Health Record (PHR) for patients nationwide that is solving the ages old medical records problem once and for all. Our secure, online platform is 100% paperless, enabling users to request, access, and share electronic copies of treatment records with just a few clicks from any internet connected device.
Our platform is built on the concept of Civil Justice. Patients have many Civil Rights granted by federal access laws including HIPAA, HITECH, and the 21st Century CURES Act, all of which are the foundational backbone of everything we do here at ChartSquad. When providers will not comply with patient’s rights, our platform integrates with the Office for Civil Rights’ violation reporting mechanism, allowing users to report violations with the click of a button, holding these providers accountable to Civil Justice!
Our industry first Billing Discovery service takes the hassle out of locating and obtaining attendant billing associated with treatment. Users can opt for this discovery service at no cost and our team will go find all those attendant bills, then deliver them without you lifting a finger. No more spending hours trying to figure out what physician bill, anesthesiologists bill, or surgeons bill may be floating around out there. We take the guesswork out of things.
Designed and built by a plaintiff attorney and a privacy rights expert, ChartSquad is changing the game in ways you would not imagine possible. No membership fees, no contracts, no obligations. We offer a use on demand service that will lower your cost exposure and reduce your on-desk time by 90%.
We also offer all the following Case Tools right from your secure, Professional Services Account:
There is no “sales” team at ChartSquad. We have nothing to sell you, just solutions to offer! Signup is online from our website For more information, contact the Founding CEO directly: