We are excited to announce a significant change: MTVA will now be known as The National Legal Vendor Association (NLVA). We believe this new name better reflects our mission and commitment to serving the legal vendor community. Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this new chapter! We will be transitioning to this new identity over the coming months.

National Legal Vendor Association

Serving the Legal Vendor Community

Trial Lawyers Summit Networking Photo

NLVA Members

The industry’s leading and most knowledgeable vendors in Case Acquisition, Case Preparation, Client Logistics, Law Firm Capacity, and Settlement Services. All NLVA members must meet and be held accountable to very specific qualifications and standards.
Case Acquisition
(Law Firm Marketing and Lead Generation)
Case Preparation
(Trial Support, Case Work Up and Information, Record Retrieval)
Client Logistics
(Intake, Evaluation, Information Management)
Law Firm Capacity
(Financing and Consulting)
Settlement Services
(Settlement and Disbursement Processes)

Enhanced Requirements and Standards

  • The member company shall not make false or unreasonable claims, promises or guarantees.
  • The member company's rates and terms are to be clearly identified, accurate, and not misleading.
  • The member company shall not sell or guarantee retainers, dockets, cases, or clients and must keep clear of non-lawyer fee splitting rules.
  • The member company shall take reasonable efforts to comply with ABA advertising guidelines.
  • The member company shall conduct due diligence on all media and lead sources.
  • The member company shall make reasonable efforts to comply with the TCPA.

Enhanced Requirements and Standards

  • The member company shall not make false or unreasonable claims, promises, or guarantees.
  • The member company's rates and terms are to be clearly identified, accurate, and not misleading.
  • The member company shall ensure that all data is kept secure and confidential, and that it would never share any private information (especially PHI) to any party or vendor, without the express, written permission of its clients.
  • The member company shall always use ethical practices and put the law firm’s (clients) interest first, as any unethical practices directly affect the individual claimant.
  • The member company shall clearly identify workforce used for provided services, whether US-based, off-shore groups, artificial intelligence, etc.
  • In recognition of the Law Firm fiduciary requirement to the claimant, the member company shall clearly identify if outside fees, including custodial fees, are passed through or marked up for additional charge.
  • In recognition that discovery services/case preparation services may directly impact the individual claimant’s case, the member company’s Service Agreement shall include how non-payment issues are handled.

Enhanced Requirements and Standards

  • The member company shall not make false or unreasonable claims, promises or guarantees.
  • The member company's rates and terms are to be clearly identified, accurate, and not misleading.
  • The member company shall confirm that the firms have independent ownership over their data.
  • The member company shall have ethical oversight and standards for their client contracting process.
  • The member shall provide copies of their written compliance policies with all applicable agencies including those of any resource that member outsources their services to.
  •  The member company shall ensure that it is not sharing any private information to any party or vendor, without the express, written permission of its clients. 

Enhanced Requirements and Standards

  • The member company shall not knowingly make false or unreasonable claims, promises, or guarantees to fund prospective law firm (borrower).
  • The member company's fees, terms and services are to be clearly identified and memorialized in some type of formal, signed agreement between the parties.
  • The member shall either (a) execute an NDA with borrower, or (b) have client confidentiality requirements vis a vis a written procedure or via regulatory requirements.
  • Upon initial approval to engage, the member shall memorialize an “offer” to borrower in a non-binding term sheet that outlines the basic terms, conditions, rates, and fees.
  • The member shall protect all data received by the borrower on a HIPPA compliant and cyber security protected platform.
  • The member company shall follow an established Underwriting Methodology Policy in an effort to fund borrower.
  • The member company shall be in compliance with FINRA and any other lending regulatory criteria applicable to member.
  • The member shall have sufficient access to capital to satisfy any and all "offers" it makes to prospective borrowers.

Enhanced Requirements and Standards

  • The member company shall not make false or unreasonable claims, promises, or guarantees.
  • The member company's rates and terms are to be clearly identified, accurate, and not misleading.
  • The member company shall ensure that all data is kept secure and confidential, and that it would never share any private information to any party or vendor, without the express, written permission of its clients.
  • The member company shall have ethical oversight and standards for their client resolution processes.
  • The member company shall adhere to its duty to create the most efficient and fiscally responsible settlement plan for each client.

Best in Class Vendors

Serving the Legal Vendor Community

All NLVA members must meet very specific qualifications and standards, and every member is held accountable to those requirements.

See What People Are Saying About Us

  • Josh Habegger
    National Record Retrieval
    "I strongly encourage any qualifying legal vendor to evaluate an NLVA membership. Being a member is not going to instantly bring in new business, as you first need to get involved. Your company will benefit once you get to know a majority of members. The entire membership is made up of individuals and companies that are always willing to help one another. My company has closed many deals from referrals and partnerships that I have made through the NLVA. The benefits of being a member far outweigh the costs. My recommendations are to apply for membership, join the NLVA and get involved."

MTVA Timeline

The logo for NLVA

Apply Today

Submit your application TODAY! As an NLVA member you will have access to over $2,400 in discounts, be recognized as a member of the NLVA, company listing in the NLVA Membership Directory, and MORE!
Apply Now 
Copyright 2025